Returns & Exchanges
If you would like to return or exchange an item due to product quality, we are here to help! We offer free returns within 30 days of purchase and 7 days after delivery. You may return the product for exchange with another product or for a refund to the original method of payment.
Please note the following exceptions to our returns and refunds policy:
1. Discounted items are final and cannot be returned or exchanged.
2. Returned items must be returned in the original product packaging, so please try to keep the original packaging after receiving the goods.
3. Returned items must show no obvious signs of wear or use.
4. If the goods are damaged due to your personal reasons, free returns and exchanges will not be accepted.
5. When you apply for a return or exchange because you purchased the wrong goods, you need to pay the corresponding additional fees, usually shipping costs.
If you want to initiate a return, please complete the following steps: (Please complete the following steps before initiating a return)
1. Please visit our Returns and Exchanges Policy page.
2. Please fill in your return and exchange details on the form on the return and exchange policy page.
3. On the form you need to indicate the following information:
Your name, phone number, email address, shipping address, order number and other order information.
Reason for return or exchange. If the goods are damaged, please provide physical evidence of the damage after we contact you, including unpacking and actual pictures or videos of the product.
The compensation method you want to receive, such as full refund, exchange or return of product fees, etc.
The following contains more information you may want to know:
1. How long does it take to receive a refund or product replacement?
Your refund request will be processed within a maximum of 7 working days. For replacement products, we will reschedule shipment within three days of receiving your returned goods.
2. Any shipping charges that the customer needs to pay.
Since our shipping services are usually international logistics, freight prices are high. Unless the return or exchange is caused by the quality problem of the product itself, we will not bear the return shipping fee. (For specific shipping costs, please contact your local logistics provider.)
3. Any return and restocking fees that the customer needs to pay.
For exchanges, you may need to make up the price difference between the different products. (If the replacement product is cheaper, we will also refund you the equivalent price difference)
You do not need to pay any fees for restocking due to missing products, which will be borne by Jeoxi Gems.
4. How do you handle lost or damaged returns.
For goods lost due to logistics reasons, we will arrange to reissue the goods to you, but you need to pay a certain logistics fee.
For returns due to damaged goods. You don’t need to return the product, we offer a full refund.
5. If you have any questions, please contact us through the contact page: or you can send your questions directly to our email:
Return address:
No. 82 Xianwei Road, Zhangmutou Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province China
Phone Number:
Email Us: