6 Crystals to Keep Calm this Holiday Season

Crystals have amazing healing energy. The holidays are a magical time of year that brings news of comfort and joy. But behind the family bliss of Norman Rockwell’s paintings, there are plenty of plans to bring them together. Winter celebrations also bring high expectations, which can increase the pressure to keep loved ones happy.

Considering the abundance of decadent treats, demanding family members and gift shopping at your fingertips, you’ve got a classic trio of holiday-induced stress. But when you’re surrounded by healing crystals with anti-anxiety and stress-relieving properties to keep you calm, there’s a tinkle until you’ve had a great vacation.

Indulge in the power of these crystals to stay calm

Quartz Crystal

The natural rhythm of a quartz crystal comes from its piezoelectric ability, a very precise energy charge that is used to keep GMT. It also reprograms the mind, helping you break free from negative thought patterns that are the root cause of constant stress. It is also a large energy amplifier, which makes it an important part of the healing layout as it boosts the energy of everything around it.

When you gaze deep into its iridescent sheen, you’ll be amazed at how well it blocks dark thoughts. In meditation, the meaning of quartz crystals helps to purify and purify the mind, freeing you from clinging to the past and the future. During times of stress, it purifies your aura with the playful and loving spirit of the here and now.


When it comes to maintaining a sense of calm under the mistletoe, it’s all about priorities. Breathe calmly and exhale negativity. That is the special energy of Dumortierite. Its gentle and optimistic vibe reminds us that patience and positive communication are the keys to facing any challenge. Feel like a disagreement is brewing? Hold tight to your Dumortierite crystal to stay cool and embrace it with its warm and fuzzy feel-good vibe.


Like the water it symbolizes, this beautiful stone can help the mind and body relax and let nature take its course. Fast-track your mind to a happy place with the color of heaven, aquamarine, as you wait in line, drive through traffic, or deal with loose cannon relatives. Take a moment to gaze at its dazzling deep blue sheen and feel the spirit of the dolphins playing among the waves. Aquamarine crystal also helps to deepen your meditative state, which is a testament to its cleansing and purifying properties. Even on the busiest days, everything seems to slow down with the natural rhythm of the sea as the aquamarine is so close.


Lepidolite is the ultimate sedative remedy for healing crystals, naturally containing lithium and used as an anti-anxiety medication. All gems have healing abilities, but some are more epic than others. This is the case with Lepidolite, the most powerful mood stabilizer in the crystal world. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by a flurry of winter activities, you can slow things down to a more comfortable and relaxing pace by placing a lepidolite stone over your third eye. Call for the use of lepidolite – its calming and soothing properties bring harmony and balance to tired emotional states.

Blue Lace Agate

Turn a potential “vacation” into a calm and relaxing winter vacation as you fill your energy field with blue lace agate. Its beautiful periwinkle color has a soothing effect on the aura, infusing your soul with a calming and soothing vibration of peace and love, the defining spirit of the holiday. This is also the time of year when family members come out of the woods, potentially triggering old emotional wounds. If you feel your emotions are inflamed, use Blue Lace Agate to calm down and stay calm and in control at all times. Because no matter what may be going on under the Christmas tree, as you embrace the feeling of harmony and friendship, holding a stone in each hand ensures your place on Santa’s “good” list.

Jet Stone

Every holiday season has its share of Grinches and Scrooges, but the meaning of Jet Stone can help protect you from the negative effects of a “bah humbug” attitude. Wear these protective warrior crystals as jewelry and let its vibrant filter protect you from all the buzz and wet blankets you encounter along the way. Jet stones also help release negative emotions such as sadness, anxiety, anger, fear, and depression, which are toxic emotions that keep you from swinging around the Christmas tree. After all, frowning doesn’t fit the happy spirit of holly, tinsel, and sparkle. So stick with Jet Stone and give it a go.

Channel the happy soul of Yeti Frost this holiday season as you invoke the calming and peaceful properties of anti-anxiety crystals.

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