What Is a Chakra?

While chakras have become a popular metaphysical topic of discussion and subject of study, the concept of the chakras is nothing new. But first of all, what is a chakra? The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word for β€œwheel” or β€œdisk,” and, as part of ancient Vedic healing practices and techniquesβ€”many of which endure

What Is a Chakra?

What are crystals?

A crystal is a mineral with a regularly repeating molecular structure. Most crystals form inside the earth during a process called nucleation, in which intense heat and pressure cause their molecules to form a three-dimensional lattice structureβ€”like a blueprint. This geometric arrangement forces the crystal’s molecules to take on the most stable form possible by

What are crystals?

Gua Sha Massage Benefits | Why You Should to Try Massage?

While gua sha massage has been around for thousands of years, it seems more and more people are finally taking advantage of its many health benefits. From focusing on improving blood circulation to emphasizing lymphatic drainage, there is a massage modality for almost every need. With thousands of certified therapists, massage is safe and effective

Gua Sha Massage Benefits | Why You Should to Try Massage? Read More Β»

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