Third Eye Chakra—Ajna

About Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is the seat of intuition and the clarities intuition brings. When your Third Eye is open and activated, you become an energy peacock: You have many “eyes” that see the world in full, vibrant color, and all of your senses are available to you as sources of wisdom and information. When your Third Eye is blocked, however, you feel the opposite: unclear, unfocused, and unable to sense what is happening around you.

It is possible to learn, live, and thrive either way; in fact, many people function quite well without an active, open Third Eye Chakra. So, what might lead someone to work on her intuition and actively seek to open and activate the Third Eye? Often, a sense of despair and dissatisfaction. The most common question people ask when they reach their thirties, forties, and fifties is, “Is this all there is to life?” When you begin to seek to understand the depths of life, death, consciousness, and reality in this way, you will know you are ready to work closely with the Third Eye Chakra, through which you can develop enhanced vision and insight. Here, there are no boundaries. Here, wisdom can and does come to you from all directions. Here, you can see clearly and vividly. Thus, the question becomes: What will you do with what you learn?

Embodiment Exercise: Third Eye Chakra Induction

The purpose of this induction is to help you distinguish your spirit sight from your physical sight. Intuition can be tricky, because many people have not yet learned to fully trust what they cannot see with their human eyes. But intuition is not so much about seeing as it is about sensing. So, to help you connect with your Third Eye Chakra, I will ask you to close your seeing, human eyes, because they will not always be accurate guides while exploring the deeper terrain of consciousness and awareness. Take your time here: This is the final frontier of metaphysical and spiritual development. Once you trust that you can receive and retrieve wisdom from non-local sources not bound by the constraints of space and time, the entire experience of your life can become more “magical” or inspired.

1/ First, imagine closing your human, seeing eyes and opening your one, sensing eye. To do this, imagine a blank screen—like a movie screen—behind your seeing eyes, upon which your soul can project images for you to explore and experience on a multidimensional level. Now, project an image of yourself during the happiest time of your life onto that screen—a time in which you were laughing, open, and unafraid.

2/ Then, clear the image from your mental screen and project an image of yourself during the most confident time in your life—a time in which you were glowing, radiant, and empowered. How did you feel in that moment?

Can you recall where you were or what you were wearing? Finer details like these help you crystallize your vision during visualization exercises.

3/ Now, clear that image and project an image of yourself today. Where can you love yourself more fully right now, and how can you support yourself more deeply in this moment? What do you need in order to feel happy, loved, and seen? You have activated your Third Eye Chakra now in service of your Highest Good and your needs in this moment.

4/ Imagine the possibilities if you could do the same for others, and for our planet: For instance, if our planet could engage this broader love frequency, perhaps we would see an end to global conflicts. In this way, our Third Eye Chakra becomes a healing tool for all beings: Once we can “see” ourselves clearly, we can “see” others clearly, too. May your vision be of service to you and the entire Collective. And may you and others be healed by what you see with all of your eyes, always.

5/ When you feel connected to your deepest inner knowing and inner channel to the divine, and when you feel that your vision has been fully activated, close your induction with the universal blessing: Amen, A’ho, So it is.

Reflection Questions for the Third Eye Chakra

As you ponder the English name for this chakra—the “third” eye—consider how having another channel for sight could assist you in your life as a healer, as an empath, and then as a sister, a partner, a child, a parent. After all, you possess it in order to be of service to others. As you consider these reflection questions, anoint yourself with an essential oil or perfume blend to activate this additional point of sight. Cypress, mugwort, and blue lotus essential oils are powerful tools to enhance your physical and etheric sight. Diffuse one or all of them, or blend them into a sacred perfume to activate the awareness each tree, herb, and flower offers. You could also drink a tea infused with mugwort and blue lotus to soften your central nervous system and enhance your clairvoyance, or clear sight, as you ponder and respond to the following questions:

1/ Where in your life does your inner vision feel the most accurate? Have you been able to accurately anticipate events and situations before—even if doing so made you uncomfortable or uneasy? If so, what was the outcome?

2/ Where in your life could you use additional insight right now? Imagine a deep indigo light of energy, the sacred Indigo Ray, surrounding your head from the space between your eyes around to the back of your head. See it opening and expanding your ability to see in all directions, before and after you, ahead of and behind you. Give yourself the gift of time to explore what

you see. Without judgment, write down key words, phrases, and sentences that describe what comes through.

3/ When you think of yourself as a sacred counselor or visionary, how do you feel? What gifts do you have around sight or vision that could help you or someone you know or love? What gifts of perception or sight do you have that could help someone you have never met, and how can you communicate your vision to those who have no access to it? How will you explain what you see?

When you are ready to close your reflective writing, thank your spirit guides and higher self for attending you while you write, and blow out your candles. Store any gems you’ve used and other writing tools together in a special place so that you’ll have them handy when you want to do more reflective writing in the future.






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